Published March 22, 2018 by Tom Porter

Far and Wide: Student Excursions Over the Spring Break

From Sicily to Silicon Valley, from the Big Apple to the Big Easy, students traveled far and wide over spring break on a variety of trips, some of them academic in nature, some cultural, and some service-oriented, 但所有这些都旨在提高买球平台大学本科生在课堂之外的体验.

Public Service Initiative 

An immersive seven-day experience in Washington, DC是10名买球平台学生的财富,他们被选为新买球平台公共服务倡议的首批成员. 他们花了春假的第一周探索联邦政府和相关机构的会议厅和走廊, 与各级政府的校友和买球平台社区成员会面, as well as with other experts in political and policy areas.

Alternative Spring Break

约瑟夫·麦基恩公益中心今年组织了五次替代性春假(ASB)旅行. 该计划为学生提供了一个独特的机会,让他们参与密集的公共服务体验,同时增加他们对重大社会和环境问题的理解.

  1. Passamaquoddy Community and Education in Pleasant Point, ME

    This group stayed in Maine for their ASB, visiting the Passamaquoddy tribe’s reservation at Pleasant Point, outside Eastport, near the Canadian border. 这10名学生从地区教育工作者和部落政府领导人那里学习了教育和文化保护, connecting their work to the broader indigenous sovereignty movement.  
  2. Fields of Opportunity: Food Systems and Rural Communities in Coralville, IA

    这些学生前往中西部考察农村食品系统和社区为促进获得食物所做的努力, healthcare, and education in the Hawkeye state. Engaging with local farms, community action groups, and nonprofits, 这12名本科生对美国中部的生活有了更深入的了解,并了解了为解决农村社区面临的挑战而寻求的解决方案.
  3. Health beyond Hollywood in Los Angeles, CA

    这个小组也关注健康挑战,尽管是在美国明显不同的地区. 远离电影明星的豪宅和电影制片厂的明亮灯光, 这些学生参观了洛杉矶地区的基层卫生机构,以观察文化能力如何, marginality, 收入不平等造成了拉丁裔社区内广泛的健康差距.
  4. Getting Education Right In ‘The City That Reads,’ Baltimore, MD

    这次旅行的目的是观察教育是如何与巴尔的摩特殊的复杂和矛盾交织在一起的. 这12名学生通过与几所学校的合作以及与各种利益相关者的会面,研究了城市教育. 通过深入研究教育在城市环境中作为社会正义工具的承诺和陷阱, 与会者深入了解了地方和国家教育的政治. 
  5. 通过教育提供机会:在危地马拉危地马拉城提供安全通道

    Participants traveled to Central America to work with Safe Passage, a nonprofit established by Bowdoin alumna Hanley Denning in 1999. Located around the Guatemala City garbage dump, 该组织致力于为该市最贫困的儿童提供受教育的机会. Students learned about the social, political, and economic issues surrounding access to childhood education in the area.

Other Overseas Trips

Puerto Rico

With the support of the McKeen Center, Nadia Celis西班牙语班的几名学生和另外两名学生前往美国加勒比海地区,了解飓风玛丽亚后的社区救援工作. During their trip, 学生们与不同的社区组织会面,讨论从妇女健康到水过滤和蚊帐等问题. 学生们也有机会访问一些学校,并协助Salón Literario的文学研讨会, a literary organization founded by Mayra Santos-Febres, a Puerto Rican author that students studied and spoke with in Celis’s class.


The Bowdoin Chamber Choir undertook a weeklong tour of Portugal, culminating in a concert at Lisbon cathedral. Led by music professor Robert Greenlee, 这次旅行让学生们有机会与葡萄牙合唱团一起表演,并与一名西班牙舞蹈家一起学习 fadosinging, a musical tradition unique to Portugal. They began their trip in the former capital city of Coimbra, a university town that dates back to the thirteenth century.


11名地中海研究专业的学生在古典学教授芭芭拉·魏登·博伊德和意大利语高级讲师戴维达·加维奥利的带领下,前往意大利南部岛屿, who coordinated their advanced courses around themes relating to Sicily. They visited numerous ancient sites associated with the Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Spanish, and others who controlled the island at different points in its history.

Enjoying the Big Apple

买球平台教授布莱恩·珀内尔(Brian Purnell)和朱迪思·卡塞尔伯里(Judith Casselberry)带领我们前往这座不夜城. 他们招收了自1627年以来在纽约市学习非裔美国人课程的学生, 它通过居住在那里的黑人的生活来审视这座城市近四个世纪的历史. Students enjoyed cultural, educational, and entertainment-related excursions, 包括在曼哈顿下城的徒步旅行和参观哈莱姆著名的阿波罗剧院.

West Trek

来自各个年级和专业的40名学生来到加州参加第四届年度西部徒步旅行, organized by Bowdoin Career Planning. 其目的是亲身体验硅谷和旧金山的科技生态系统. Alumni hosted student visits at Airbnb, Pinterest, Okta, Collective Health, Fitbit, Google, Apple, and Lyft.  

Enjoying the Great Outdoors!

假期期间,买球平台郊游俱乐部在魁北克的奇乔克山脉进行了一些有趣的北欧滑雪冒险. 这次旅行包括在加斯帕西国家公园的一些小屋外的野外一日游, 之后是冬季露营之旅,这是中国银行组织的竞争性领导力培训项目的一部分.

The Big Easy

12名买球平台化学系学生在休息期间前往新奥尔良参加美国化学学会会议, where they presented their summer research, 在春假的第二周荣誉项目研究或独立学习. Students covered a number of topics, including organic and inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry and geochemistry. When they weren’t presented their work, 学生们花了几天的时间参加杰出研究人员和教授的讲座

A Multiday Biological Experiment in Downeast Maine

Under the leadership of professor Anne McBride, 一群生物系学生利用春假的机会做了一件他们在每周的课堂上通常不会做的事情——通过进行为期数天的实验,深入研究一个研究项目. In this case, 他们在巴尔港附近的沙漠岛生物实验室(MDILB), Maine, conducting research on the yeast Candida albicans, which causes yeast infections in people with weakened immune systems. MDILB举办短期课程,由缅因州IDeA生物医学卓越网络(INBRE)网络的一部分机构的教师授课.